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Editor: Linda Ann Horne Mitchell Hudson

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our Lady of Lourdes/Bernadette/Song of Bernadette

The reason Lady Bernadette and Our Mother Mary is important to me because they came into my life in different times.  I used to watch Ted Turner Classic movies now (tcm.com) when I was young. One night and unable to sleep at my grandmother home, I was watching my favorite channel and the movie Song of Bernadette was showing that night. I watch that movie with passion in my heart. As I watch the movie I thought why didn't they believe her. As the movie progress they eventually place her in the catholic church because they did not know what to do with her. When she dug for the water as she was told, the waters turn out to help the sick and ailing people in the local community. Once the bishop spoke with her about whom she was speaking too, Bernadette stated that her name was the "Immaculate Conception".

As I said, I watchthe movie with passion wanting to be a nun. As the movie ended the bishop told her "now you are free Bernadette. This movie stuck in my heart because it gave me the idea that I should be a nun at the age of twelve. However, that did not happen and my life progress with being a "sheep amongst the wolves".

Upon becoming an adult I face many objectives of evilness that I tried with all my soul to avoid. I start hearing voices at an early age ignoring them and they came back very strong at thirteen. I can't tell you anything about the voices and what was said because of all the medication I have been on. I got married to my first husband who join the military.I stayed with him until he retired. I then divorce and remarry to my second husband. His profession was a truck driver always on the road. On a particular trip he asked that I take the trip with him. Very disgusted over my self-employed business I decided to go with him.

We were on the road and he suddenly became sick.  I had to take control of the truck to get in parked. I got it parked in a resting area and got on the cb radio to get some help.  Help finally arrived about two hours later with him barely hanging on. Upon getting to the hospital the doctor stated he was bleeding at the brain and they had to release the pressure, however he must be transfered to another hospital. That trip took another hour and once there, we arrived at a hospital in St. Petersburg Florida. 

The doctor finally told me the results of his condition (brain aneurysm), and would have to do further operation on his brain. I left the hospital not confident that he would live through this operation because he was much older. As I was driving, I notice it was a lot of traffic and my local news truck (channel wsb 2) had pass me. I decided to investigate the traffic.  Upon arriving at the destination of the traffic people were staring at this building with the Mother Mary and Jesus image on an insurance building . Everyone in awh of the site I got closer to investigate the image.

Being there and never praying to this type of entity I partcipated to pray for my husband to come through the operation. I receive a respond "It shall be done", I left in tears. My husband recovered with some disabilities but is still alive today. As time progress he got better, but I got worst with the voices again. No one cannot  imagine what if feels like to receive these voices. Once the voice came to me and said "I give you my grace"I really did not understand or knew what to expect. Yes, our Heavenly Father gives us all gifts of blessings, but to actually hear the voice and feel the power of that voice, is to powerful to receive. You can say what you want, but if you are not a believer of God's power, no one cannot fathom what God will do. If he spoke to his people in B.C. time and use his people such as Mother Mary and other biblical people, why don't we believe it's not being done in our time. 

That is my story of Mother Mary and Lady Bernadette. Thank you for reading and I pray that the blessing of our Holy Father comes into your life.

Created by Linda
Posted 09/20/2010

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