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Thank you for joining me at A Fresh and New Beginning. The editor of this site will do the best to reach out to you with fun, interesting, and valuable information. It would be helpful to me if you would leave your suggestions or post on the blog, your opinion. IT IS AN HONOR TO SERVE YOU AND MY COMMUNITY.

Editor: Linda Ann Horne Mitchell Hudson

Saturday, February 27, 2016

How Blessed People Behave, Can You Dig It?

 How bless are you?

This will help those who are bless and have those around you that can't deal with your blessing. You are so bless they become your enemies. Be Bless my friend and no one can take your blessing from you.

Stevie Wonder - Happy Birthday

 Happy Birthday to those born in the month of February.....May God bless you with your heart desire.

Healing with Scriptures and Soaking

 The Healing Sermon

3 Hour Relaxing Guitar Music: Meditation Music, Instrumental Music, Calm...

 Calming Music-Good Morning

I hope you have enjoyed my post and here is some music that will calm you through out the day. Know that this is the world that God created and everything is here for us to enjoy. Love one another as you would love yourself. "Be good to yourself, and those around you".


February 27,2016

Robin Williams- Live On Broadway (New York 2002)

My Love for Robin Williams

I can't get enough of this man because I started out watching him on Mork and Mindy.

Through out his career he has made me laugh, cry, happy, depress, and even horny. I really wish I could have been his wife. I can't say anymore about this man just look at every movie he has done and other material he has produce. I love you my friend and I hope the Holy Spirit guided you right to God to give him something to laugh about, US people......


February 27, 2016

[HOT] Whoopi Goldberg Stand Up Show : Back to Broadway | Complete Stand...

 Second concert

This is the second concert of Ms. Whoopi Goldberg. I remember when she came to Atlanta, Georgia the Ritz-Carlton Hotel would not let her in because of what she was wearing. What is so wrong with that decision they made is we lost a future tenant that could have possibly want to live in Atlanta, Georgia. Now she is on the view and the person who made that decision to not give her a room because how she dress is probably looking at her everyday upset that he made that decision.  I think she went to the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel which is where I use to worked. I really hate that person made that decision I would have love to go to a concert to see her. Instead I have to watch her on screen.

Ms. Goldberg have had a great career in comic and movies and television sitcoms. I just want to say to Ms. Goldberg, please come to Atlanta, Georgia again with what you want to ware and do a concert for us. I love you and I like when you did comic relief with Robin Williams who I miss and love very much. Thank you for sharing your talents and your point of vision on "The View".


Friday, February 26, 2016

Whoopi Goldberg Stand Up Show : Direct From Broadway (1985) | Best Funny...

 Ms. Goldberg

This concert was her first concert. I really enjoyed this concert when I first saw it on HBO. I learn personal issue about Ms. Goldberg which I felt she did a real good job on her first concert for someone that came from a common family.  She spoke very intelligent with concise language.

I really enjoyed this concert Ms. Goldberg and I am a fan who enjoy watching you act and being a comedian.

If you like to learn more about Ms. Goldberg life you can check her out on www.wikipedia.org


Philadelphia (1/8) Movie CLIP - I Have A Case (1993) HD

 I have a Case

This movie is about a person right when it was found out about his job that he had AIDS. It was a true case that need to be told. We are still fighting this decease today. We must find a way to help those that is carry this terrible decease.


February 26, 2016

Black History Month

In this century we have come to this day of our Lord to show we can give each other respect and provide love for our neighbor. We are sharing with our neighbor and we are opening up our heart's to the less fortunate.  I know we are still dealing with our own personal issues, but within our hearts we must learn that you are not in the world alone. In this world we have a rainbow of people that is rich and poor, intelligent, or incompetent. We have all kind of people on this earth that have to deal with good and evil everyday.  I notice just by studying the bible we are still breaking God's law everyday because we are sinful people. Our flesh is weak for the things that we want. We all want something that we should not have or don't need.

This is not just black history month, this is 2016 full of "We the People" who need one another to make this a better world to live peacefully. To all nations if another nation has something you want, ask yourself why you don't have it. You may not need that particular item that you want. If you do need it make sure this item will not hurt or harm another human being. God gave us the perfect earth so let's take care of it together.

February 26, 2016

Whitney Houston & Natalie Cole - Bridge Over Troubled Water - Big Break ...

 Angels Natalie and


There troubles is now over a bridge of waters they are now angels for God. They both where special to us all and I will truly miss both of them.


Cissy Houston Gospel, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, BeBe & CeCe Wina...

 Mama Houston

I see where my Ms. Whitney Houston got her talents. She receive it from her mother. Mama Houston I want you to know if you believe your daughter and granddaughter has spent some time with me spiritually because I love them so much. I sometime can sing like Ms Whitney Houston. Please Ms Houston know they are both angels and they will be doing what God need them to do. They are raised up as angels and serve God. I love you mama Houston.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


 The best Jazz

I will be spending this weekend listening to jazz. Got to find a good movie and get my popcorn ready.

The Very Best Of Gerald Albright

 Gerald Albright

I went to sleep listening to my favorite jazz player Dav Koz and awaken listening to this album. Awesome. I can tell you I love jazz and this one has the best music. Enjoy it is Friday music and movie time. Love you

Scatman John - Scatman's World

 Scatman World

Is this your world???

THE SCATMAN - Scatman John HD1080p


He will tell you what this world is about..........

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

RIP BOBBI KRISTINA (and Whitney Houston) [TRIBUTE]

 Mother and Daughter

To Ms Whitney Brown Houston I want you to know I miss you as your fan and I did not get to know you as a friend. You and your daughter had a beautiful relationship something that cannot be replace. I don't have that with my two daughters and sometimes it hurt me. I did have a poem for you and your daughter which someone stated to me that I needed to mental help because I dedicated to your daughter.

 Here is another poem for you Ms. Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown:

In your voice was the love of God, in your life was a family of love

You shared with us all your talents, you even shared your home,

We sometimes watch you in delight to cheer us up with your great smile.

You started out with great talent and then you gave birth to your sunshine

and shared her with us too. I want to thank you for giving us your best

because we never will know what happen to you both, but we do know you are both with the best GOD.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016


 My Friend

To all of my viewers and readers you are all my friends and I love you...


110801-135328.wmvAre you a good servant?

 Who are you Serving?

I created this video in 2011 and I still feel this is true for man to understand what his purpose is on this earth. Man was made in the image of God, however some of you are not acting as God would want to too. As I said you have a right to choose how you want to live. Be Bless, Have Nice Day


"I know who I am"/Lucifer scene -Angel Heart


Lucifer comes in all forms, you must be careful. However, Lucifer is a fallen angel and he is with God doing what he suppose to do for God.


Vanessa Bell Armstrong Good News

 Keep Praying

Sometimes we have situations in our lives that we just don't know what to do. I say just pray for the situtation no matter what the problem maybe. Just know their is someone listening to that prayers. If you don't know how to pray, just pray your heart desire and what's on your mind. You will receive that quiet answer from God. Jesus was asked "master how should we pray and he stated you should pray this prayer;

 " Our Father in Heaven, may your name be hallowed; your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wrong us, and do not put us to the test, but save us from the evil one.

When you say that prayer just ask the Holy Spirit take your prayer to the Father with your hearts desire. However, God knows your need so don't confuse yourself with what you want, give the prayer to the Holy Spirit and let God do the work.


Monday, February 22, 2016

14 The Moment #2 - Kirk Franklin

 Never Alone

Morticia and Gomez - The way you look tonight

 That special dance song

Put on your best and let's go dancing tonight. Have a great Monday!!!!

The Addams Family Values - Official Movie Trailer II (HQ)


This was a great movie and they should do another movie

Wednesday opinion about marriage

 The Proposal

Do you have that special person that want to get married and you just not sure about them. Time to take the question to heaven GOD

Addams Family - Debbie Execution Scene.


Do you have those in-laws in your home you just want to throw out. They just get in the way sometimes when you have things to do. I say let them help you, maybe they can solve the problems. You should see what they can do before you judge them. If not just let Debbie take care of them. Haha


Addams Family Values: Dance

 Dance with me

This is the best part of this movie them dancing together. Good morning my friends. It's Monday and it is time to laugh and dance our way through the week. Have a "Fresh and New Beginning" this week.


Mary Most Holy by Regine Velasquez (with lyrics)

 Mary Most Holy


 Our Mother Mary

For those who love Our Mother Mary she gave birth to the Son of God Jesus Christ. We love you our Mother for you can't be replace by anyone. We have received apparition from you throughout years of us being on the earth. One apparition that I vision was you and Jesus on a building in Saint Petersburg Florida, when my husband was diagnose with a blood clot in the brain. I prayed to you my Mother and I know I my prayer was answer because he is living right now today. I receive all the funds to take care of him while he was sick. Thank you my Mother Mary and Jesus for saving my husband life.

Love Linda

February 22, 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016


At my church today my Bishop wanted to express his concerns about an issue that has arise here in Georgia. It is an article that was printed by Atlanta Journal Constitution of Atlanta, written by Kristina Torres baring information about a bill which permits services to be denied to gays, which is headed to the house.

Bishop Gladson of First Christian Church gave us bible passages that will help with this situation and to spread the word that we are against this bill.  These is the bible verses that he gave:

Deuteronomy 10 chapter 17-20 verse: for the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and terrible God. He is no respecter of persons:  he is not to be bribed; he secures justice for the fatherless and the widow, and he show love towards the alien who lives among you, giving him food and clothing.  You too must show love towards the alien, for you once lived as aliens in Egypt.  You are to fear the Lord your God, serve him, hold fast to him, and take your oaths in his name.

Isaiah 58 chapter 6-9 verse: Rather, is not this the fast I require; to loose the letters of injustice, to untie the knots of the yoke, and set free those who are oppressed tearing off every yoke? 7 Is it not sharing your food with the hungry, taking the homeless poor into your house, clothing the naked when you meet them, and never evading a duty to your kinsfolk?  8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn and new skin will speedily grow over your would; your righteousness will be your vanguard and the glory of the Lord your rearguard,  9 Then, when you call, the Lord will answer; when you cry to him, he will say, "Here I am".

Revelation 13 chapter 16 - 19 verse:  It caused everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free man and slave, to have a mark put on his right hand or his forehead,  17 and no one was allowed to buy or sell unless he bore this beast's mark, either name or number.  18 (This calls for skill; let anyone who has intelligence work out the number of the beast, for the number represents a man's name and numerical value of its letter is six hundred and sixty-six.

To translate the bible verses that Bishop gave in reference to the article our Father God does not discriminate on the people we all are sinners and fall short of glory. Let he cast the first stone that has not sin as Jesus to the crowd of people that was about to cast their stones at the woman. God our Father conveys love to all people that serve him. (Your relationship does not have anything to do with the love God's has for you). God does not convey favoritism to any people of the earth. Next to close on both bible verses, you should place yourself in other people shoes who is different from your standard and you will feel the hurt, pain, and suffering of those who is less fortunate than you or who is different from you. Black or white, Chinese, Japanese, German, Jew, Muslim, Hindi, or any alien you are born on this earth to make your choice how you want to live. It is not right for you to force your ways on anyone that lives on this earth. We all have a choice to live how we want to live rather good or evil. However living your way instead of living for God's will, you should know where you are going, straight to HELL WITH SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX IN YOUR LIFE

My own opinion is, what the hell is wrong with you people. Did we not just get over what happen in the past history with discrimination against other people of different race and nationality. To the Senate please let's not repeat history and let's try to keep the earth perfect as God made it from the beginning. What you do in that office will trickle down to your own door. Just take a good look in your family and you just may have someone that is gay in your family.

I pray for us all that we learn from our mistakes.

Written by LAMH
February 21, 2016

These are pictures that was taking from internet and my own personal pictures. Have fun and see which is real and which is fake. Have a bless week.

Cece Winans-Waging War With Lyrics.


Michael Jackson - Heal The World

Our Children

We must start somewhere to help one another. If we don't take care of our children then who will take care of us when we get old. Are you caring enough for your fellow man? What have you recently done to help someone who is less fortunate than you? HEAL YOURSELF BY HEALING SOMEONE ELSE

Michael Jackson - Earth Song

 Good Morning this is our planet

This is the perfect earth that God created we must get along and help one another so the can be heaven on earth.

Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us

 Do you care about our


I know for a fact that Mr. Jackson cared about the homeless. I don't care what they said about him, he was a good philanthropist. Ms. Oprah Winfrey contribute to Africa, but we have so many here in the United States that is in need it is unreal.  I was in tears because I have seen so many homeless people right here in Georgia and Florida. I have not been all over the world but I am sure they are out there people. To Mr. Trump I would like to know if you have use any of your money to help any homeless people? All you rich people we should not have one homeless person in the United States at ALL.

Wake up rich people before you be homeless too!!!!!

Cece Winans-Waging War With Lyrics.

 Waging Wars on helping

the homeless

In September of 2015 I was place in a position of being homeless. I left Georgia and went to Florida and ended my experience with being at a convent called Mother Teresa Convent. It was people sleeping on the side walk having no place to live. I also sign up with a homeless shelter call Camillus House, signing up with their health system. , return back home to place in a law suit with the apartment complex that originally place me on this journey.

When I return home instead of moving with my relatives I continue to stay homeless because it just did not work out with them since I was use to my own place of living. I tried several times to get into Must Ministry shelter with no avail. I did have income but it got expensive living in hotels and lodges. Never finding anything comfortable and within my budget. I continue to stay homeless meeting others that in the same condition that I was in. I even tried to help these people with little that I had. Some I recommend an attorney, some I recommend to get help from churches, and some I even allow in my room to live. Some I feed what I had and some I even offered my room to help. Yes, I was taken advantage of but, I just know I did what Jesus did to feed the multitude with my little income.

What concerns me is it is so many people out in the world that has billions of dollars and is not helping his neighbor to be off the street. Some of these rich people was homeless themselves and reach to their richness and forgot where they came from.  Some of these rich people should remember that God said " love your neighbor as you love yourself".. If your brother is hungry feed him, if your brother is thirsty give him something to drink.

I am taking up Christology at my church and I was told that we have a fourteen years before 2000 years that Jesus has been gone away from this earth. I say to myself if he returns because I would not want to return to this earth with everyone still do the same thing that was done in his days. Are we ready for his return? Have you love your neighbor as yourself? Have you given anything in your home to help someone else? What have you done with your Richness?

I know I don't have much to give however, I will give what I can when I can so I can hear from God child well done.