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Thank you for joining me at A Fresh and New Beginning. The editor of this site will do the best to reach out to you with fun, interesting, and valuable information. It would be helpful to me if you would leave your suggestions or post on the blog, your opinion. IT IS AN HONOR TO SERVE YOU AND MY COMMUNITY.

Editor: Linda Ann Horne Mitchell Hudson

Saturday, June 6, 2020

18 - Man Of Steel Soundtrack - Man Of Steel (Hans' Original Sketchbook) ...

Man of Steel

This movie has been remade several times. I really like the movie and some of the quotes that were said in the movie. Such as a "Good death is its own reward", Revolution is inevitable. I think it applies today in this uncertain world. The reason for posting this video is for soundtrack music made by Hans Zimmerman. I use this music so much when I was dealing with so much in my mind. It gave me the spirit to fight my demons. I don't look for that Superman to be my hero, I look for God to be my provider and protector. Aminah


Posted 6/6/2020 10:34am

My Iman Omar Fane is a man of God and teaches the children of love and not hatred from the Qu'ran as a Muslim. He loves the children and wants them to have a future with Allah in their hearts. Unfortunately, his school has been close due to the pandemic. Futhermore, he was trying his best to get his own mosque building to teach the children. I am praying for someone out in the world who sees this post help him to continue his teaching and he receive what he needs. Thank you Iman for teaching me and giving me the hope I need to continue God's work. May Allah bless you..Aminah


Posted 6/6/2020 8:55am

Native Deen - Not Afraid to stand Alone

I am not afraid to stand alone

For my brother and sister of America, we should never afraid to stand alone in this world of uncertainty. You must hold your head up high and stay strong.

Have a bless Sabbath


Posted 6/62020 7:56am

Beautiful Islamic Call To Prayer

Good Morning;

May our Creator bless you with grace and mercy

Calling to our provider each and every day to be with us all

Have a bless day


Posted 6/6/2020 6:34

Friday, June 5, 2020

Michael Jackson-They Don't Care About Us (Lyrics)

Do you care!!!!

I know in Micheal Jackson experience a lot of problems placing him on trial for child molestation. However, he was a great philanthropist for humanity and some of his music conveyed lyric expressing racism. I know personally we have a lot of people who do care using partial behavior, but they do their best to bring unity for America. I am sure some of these 500 companies care for their employees, but with this pandemic and the killing of so many black people really makes me wonder if our system is corrupt due to them still making money within the stock market.  To my viewers, I am not racist, I have love and respect for all nationalities. I hope we move into a future where we don't see color or division in religion and come together "under one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all".

Thank you, Michael Jackson, your spirit is free from the trouble of this world.


Posted 6/5/2020 6:39pm

Posted 6/5/2020

I Will Survive (Extended Version)

I will survive!!!

I have decided to come back to my blog and get off other social media platforms.  I do most of my posting to help me mentally. During this crisis, I have to relieve my stress and this is the best way for me. This blog has been here for over ten years and has not made any money, but that is okay with me because life is not always about money. Life is about sharing, caring, and loving one another with respect.

Hoping all out in this world will survive these uncertain times. Have a bless weekend.

Robert Fulgham, Author of What on Earth Have I Done?

Author/writer Robert Fulghum "What on earth have I done?"

This may be a good book to read during this pandemic time. No, I have not read the book because I have a lot of goals on my agenda to complete. I was going through my email and found him in Wikiquote.org and the quote that is my favorite, I would like to share it with you:

We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness -and call it love- true love. This quote is written from a book he wrote call True Love (1998)

Mr. Fulghum, I am experimenting with my mind of compound ideas to be tested and live out my life.

Thank you for your post and for sharing your deep thoughts about your everyday life.


Posted 6/5/2020 5:19pm

Aretha Franklin - I say a little prayer / with lyrics

This song is dedicated to Secretary of Defense James Mattis who took a stand for the people of America saying these words.

IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH I have watched this week's unfolding events, angry and appalled. The words "Equal Justice Under Law" are carved in the pediment of the United States Supreme Court. This is precisely what protesters are rightly demanding. It is a wholesome and unifying demand- one that all of us should be able to get behind. We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers. The protests are defined by tens of thousands of people of conscience who are insisting that we live up to our values- our values as people and our values as a nation. -James Mattis

Sir General Mattis, I would like to say thank you because you answer my prayer. The day you gave that statement to the nation I actually prayed that morning that you as the Secretary of Defense would not send out the military on the people because I am an ex-military wife of twenty years and I am proud of our military men and women. I would not want to see any type of war on humanity.

Have a great weekend and may God bless you and your family.

Dionne Warwick - Walk on by (Lyrics)

My tears

Right now my tears that I shed on a daily basis are for mankind and all those will suffer during this pandemic. If you see me walking and shedding tears just "walk on by". You don't even have to say goodbye. Just keep walking I will get over all this by God.

Posted 6/5/2020 4:30pm

Thursday, June 4, 2020


My Heart Will Go On

We are all familiar with this song and I am dedicating this song to all those who have died during this pandemic. You will always be remembered by your loved ones. Your spirit will be in their heart what you did for them. You will never be forgotten cause I know and the person who loves you know, you are in heaven. You have raised up as angels to watch over them. You will always be in their hearts forevermore for your spirit is free. You will be missed!!!!

Be good to those around you for life is short. Good night all.  gmalady50

Posted 6/5/2020 10:31pm

The Dark Knight - Hans Zimmer /J. Newton Howard - LIVE

The Dark Knight Theme Song

I am sure some of you are familiar with this song from "The Dark Knight Movie".

Even though the music hit the soul of the heart, it has quotes that are uplifting for my soul.  It will make you want to go out in the world to help and assist humanity as did batman.  I am praying all that view this video will somehow inspire you to help those in need. May God watch over all during these uncertain times.

Be good to yourself, and those around you. gmalady50

Posted 6/5/2020 9:29

Let It Go (Disney's "Frozen") Vivaldi's Winter - The Piano Guys

The Piano Guys

My favorite guys who give me so much peace when I am struggling with my mental condition. Thank you piano guys for sharing your talent on Youtube.

With all that is going on in this world today it is time to "Let it Go" and let God.

Have a blessed coming weekend. gmalady50

Posted 6/5/2020 9:05pm

Life Of Pi

Life of PI

This is my favorite movie and I have posted it on my blog where you can view the full movie. I feel God test us on a daily basis to build strength in us all. Everything happens for a reason in life to find love, happiness, and contentment rather you are rich or poor.

The favorite part in the movie is the ending where Irrfan Khan asked the writer "what story do you believe the one with the tiger or the lie", the writer responded that he likes the tiger story.  I know it would be hard to believe the tiger story but I like the tiger story. How about you?

Enjoy the movie and know God is always in our lives in every way. gmalady50

This is a dedication to the actor Irrfan Khan,  who died on April 29, 2020. Your spirit is free from all struggles of life. Love You

Posted 6/5/2020 8:48pm

Taken interrogation fight scene


I have not been posting to my site for some time due to personal reasons. Within the last three months, we have experienced so much in America that I completely shut down mentally. With everyone going virtual and using technology to make money, I decided to come back to my blog and post what I am passionate about again. I love movies, history, and financial information that could help my viewers. I did return back to college in another profession that I did not think I could finish, I did complete the program with a certificate as a Medical Assistant. With that being said, my posting to this blog may or may not help you, but I hope you enjoy my blog and with your help, I can make some income. In conclusion, this movie "Taken" is an old movie to see if you have not seen it. As for as the clip from the movie right now I am

taking anything I do as a business and personal.

Enjoy gmalady50

Posting time 6/5/2020 8:03pm