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Editor: Linda Ann Horne Mitchell Hudson

Monday, February 29, 2016

D O N 'T  T E L L Y O U R   D R E A M


Dreams occur throughout the Bible as omens or messages from God;
  • God speaks to Abram while he is in a deep sleep (Genesis 15);
  • God speaks to Abimelech the King of Gerar concerning his intentions regarding Sarah, Abraham's wife (Genesis 20);
  • Jacob dreams of a ladder to heaven (Genesis 28);
  • his son Joseph dreamed of his future success (Genesis 37) and interpreted the dreams of the Pharaoh of Egypt (Genesis 41);
  • Solomon conversed with God in his dreams (1 Kings 3);
  • Daniel interpreted dreams (in the Book of Daniel 2 and 4);
  • the Magi are told in a dream to avoid Herod on their journey home (Matthew 2);
  • Joseph, when betrothed to Mary, was told not to fear taking Mary as his wife (Matthew 1);
  • Joseph, now husband of Mary, was directed to flee with Mary and Jesus to Egypt (Matthew 2);
  • Pilate's wife suffered in a dream because of Jesus (Matthew 27);
  • Paul was told to go to Macedonia (Acts 16)
Deuteronomy 13:1-5 offers instruction about those who claim to have inspired but false dreams. In Acts 2:17 the apostle Peter quotes Joel 2:28 saying that because of the Spirit now out poured "...your old men will dream dreams."

If you have dreams, it is best to pray about them than to express them to anyone, due to someone taking that dream and translating it incorrectly. God will place you under and deep sleep and Isaiah 29:10  For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.  (Do not prophesy a dream)

February 29, 2016

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