When you are born in the you come with no thoughts of who you really are. All that you are aware of is you can breath, cry, and feel the pain of hungar. You as the baby must trust that blemish of a shadow that must supply you with all your needs.
You start growing learning, receiver information from that shadow. The child says "wow I can actually see better and I see that blemish of a shadow is not a shadow after all". "So this is the shadow that has been talking to me". I like that shadow. The baby thinking to herself, the blemish keep calling me "Sister Linda" .
The baby not realizing that the blemish is her Mother she looks at her with a smile and makes a google sound. The mother is please with the smile and return the smile to her.
Now the child has grown up to be 8 months old and can say words like mama, dada, and other sounds that she start learning.
One day Linda parents took her on a trip and she was unaware where she was going. Upon her parents reaching there destination, they entered this tall building. Linda was unaware what kind of building it was, a man came near with a tall white hat with gold triimming. The stranger also wore a white robe. Her not knowing the color of white she notice she had on white also. The stranger was called Your Eminet, and their was another person dress in a different color, but she had a face like her mother. She heard them call her Mother Superior, so she thought it was her mother too.
The Eminet man started babbling words she did not understand and splash water on her. The parents and other family members that she did not know was leaving the big building. Their was a little boy their around seven years and two months older than her said can I see the baby. The parents said sure you can hold her if you like. He took her in his arms and said " you pretty, I will marry you one day in this church.
The baby eight months old did not understand what he was talking about, but she looked up at him and said
May Almighty Elias bless you and your generation, "said the Excellency" as they left. The little boy was the son a carpenter.
Created by Linda
posted 09/24/2010 at 3:25
How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress
How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress is a post from ShoutMeLoud
- Shouters Who Inspires
5 months ago