Tweetie & Putty Cat
Digestive system
Good morning my viewers; I know I have not post on my blog in sometime due to my busy schedule re entering college and being with the younger generation to keep my brain from losing what we lose as we get older. Right now I am studying the digestive system, which this is something we learn in high school. I had to get something to make me laugh.
Have a great weekend releasing your pout or stool however you want to call it. Of course this reminds me of my previous post about all the bile in this world that we receive daily. You take in all the bile in this world so I suggest just go to the toilet and release your anger and all the feeling you receive from digesting that bad Putty Cat.
How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress
How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress is a post from ShoutMeLoud
- Shouters Who Inspires
5 months ago