Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in ...
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Inspiring Words from World War Veteran Richard Overton
Mr. R. Overton lived to be 112 years of age. He passed away in December 2018. He lived through it all, living by God's word. He even smoked, stating it made him feel better.
I know he lived through so much in his days and carry a good philosophy of living your life to the fullest.
He reminds me of someone that I met in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Overton stated it is important to live a spiritual life. He also stated, "you might give out, but don't give up".
Thank you, Mr. Overton, for your service in the military and I thank the person who posted this video.
This movie is an oldie but very enlightening to the spirit of black people in America. Our black men are all Kings and are treated less of a king in America. Black men have struggled throughout history to make life better for themselves. We have so many black men in America that have proven that they are smart, intelligent, and family-oriented.
I give this movie a thumbs up for its comedy, love, and the spirit of our culture that was lost when Plymouth rock landed on us.
This movie is not streaming on any platform such as Netflix, Hulu, or your local company. However, you can rent or purchase from Youtube to build your library.
Thanks, Eric for your information just want to abide by all copyright rights and hoping to share movies that I love on my blog and other educational information.
Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton give a version of what some families experience dealing with death, loneliness, family business, alcoholism, and keeping a dog from shitting in your yard.
Michael Douglass comes from a family of good actors such as his father Kirk Douglas. I love Mr. Kirk Douglass in some of his movies such as Spartacus and Lust of Life that was base on the life of the artist Vincent Van Gogh. If you don't know who Vincent Van Gogh who painted the famous picture of a flower.
My favorite movie that Mr. Michael Douglass acted in a total of 50 movies along with the ones I enjoyed "Basic Instinct and Fatal Attraction, and Wall Street which you might want to check out to understand the stock market".
Diane Keaton has acted in several movies and received different awards for her accomplishments in the acting profession beginning in the 1970s. My favorite movie was "Somethings Gotta Give, Book Club, and First Wives Club". I had this strange permission that First Wives Club would have a second version, but this time the men would make a comeback and show them they were the pants.HAHA, that will be the day when the men have already conquer the woman and this world. "ITS A MAN WORLD"
This movie may be on my older list to see but it has all the images from the writers and producers who use the futuristic world of what we will be like in the future.
You find every cultural ethnic group at a opera on a ship that will soon be disintegrated by a person that is helping evil to destroy the world. There are robots as aliens from another planet that look like a walking roach, aliens that can change their image into a human feature, cars flying in the sky, taking trips on a ship in outer space, restaurant ships coming to your home to deliver your food, a cat but no dog, and last but not least that futuristic "Roach" that we have in our lives today and spend so much money to get rid of these aggravating pest.
This roach is being used to spy on the president which you have to ask yourself why a roach. I guess because it's the smallest thing that cannot be detected when entering your room. But these german bugs already have antennas to communicate with each other. I am just a person who dislikes these german roaches and they increase so fast.
In the end, this is the movie that I love, because "love "is what saves the earth, and love is what we need right now to save us during this time of the pandemic and racism crises.
Streaming on Hulu live t.v. with subscription
Rent $3.99, purchase 12.99 on Youtube to build your library.
After watching this movie we are now fighting one another using technology in every way. In every nation, we all have some kind of weapon and computer system to destroy one another. We must value life more than anything we possess in life. In the Abraham Lincoln days, he stated this quote to the people:
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations. - Abraham Lincoln-
What will it take to get us all to a peaceful world and work together to make it a peaceful world?
I don't have that answer, but I pray we find the answer.
In life when you face fear in our lives which sometimes is due to life circumstances and decisions we have made to try to make our lives better. In this speech, he stated fear is a product of our imagination and we conjured up fear, that fear is a choice. We face danger in our world every day, but we have to use all the strength and courage along with prayer to fight to survive.
No matter what your cultural background maybe we all are dealing with issues that affect mankind's way of life. I know we have a system that is used by placing fear in the hearts of many. Fear has been used for centuries to subdue a particular cultural group to a point they will do what you want them to do. We can't let fear take over any of us anymore. The only thing we should fear on this earth is the wrath of God no matter your ethnic or religious background.
I will be checking each of these movies to see where they will be streaming and if you can get them for free. Just remember the free movies are not good quality.
Have a good day and enjoy watching your favorite movie at home.
My grandchild found this video and other cartoon videos that play good music where you have to read what they are saying. This is a great way to help them to read. What I would love is a video like this helping them to learn how to be active in their communities. Learning more things that will help them to survive in this world of the "new norm". This type of video even helped her to sleep at night. Use some cultural ethnic people. Nice work!!!!
I want to say on this blog thank you Ms. Brockovich for your great job helping people finding the real reason they were getting sick and dying of cancer. This movie actually made me feel that we have to keep an eye on our local and state governments and how we really get rid of our waste. (Infrastructure)
Streaming on Hulu live tv subscription/ or rent and purchase from Youtube to build your library.
This movie really had me thinking because we have over 7.6 billion people and counting. Our population growth has really increased. I read in an article once that China is had made a rule where there is one child to a couple. Then birth control pills were created to control the population. So now that this movie came to existence, you have to ask yourself does the government has some kind of system to eliminate people. Maybe I am being paranoid, but what is happening in our world today you just don't know.
This is a good action movie to watch that deals with a new system of controlling people's lives and using the banking system just to stay alive.
Streaming on Hulu with Cinemax subscription. Rent, or purchase with Youtube to build your library.
Are you being watched? Do you feel like you being watched? In my opinion, you are, due to cameras being everywhere and of course, the satellites using the GPS system on your phone to locate if you need to be found. I don't understand why when they put out a warning on your television when someone has been kidnapped or taken wrongfully against a person's will, they can't use the GPS system to locate that abductors from their cell phone. I know that system is out there and needs to be used in a positive way. Not to destroy someone's life but to help people in this world.
Streaming from Cinemax with a subscription or you can rent/ purchase from Youtube to downstream to your television.
This movie conveys how someone can destroy your life when unexpected things happen to you. Life is a struggle for us all and we all in a hurry to make our lives better or complete all that needs to be done.
Watching this movie really makes you wonder what could have been done in order for them both not to destroy one another lives. The character that Ben Affleck portrayed had taken enough time to give Samuel Jackson a ride or waited till the police arrived would have made both of their circumstances different.
To make someone's life better in troublesome circumstances go with the verse from the bible, "Revenge is mines said the Lord".
Steaming on Showtime with the subscription or rent $3.99/ purchase $12.99 from Youtube to build your library.