Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in ...
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Editor: Linda Ann Horne Mitchell Hudson
Friday, May 29, 2015
You have made it through this week, so have a Snoopy & Bird day, Love yourself and those around you.
Walt Disney released the "Three Little Pigs on May 27, 1933 with the hit song "Who afraid of the Big Bad Wolf".
This cartoon makes you think about who's the big bad wolf in your life? What materials have you used to build your house with to keep out that bad wolf? Hmm let's try using God's material, I know that would work.
War is not what we want, but we have to do what we think we need to do. I don't like war, it breaks my heart to see our good men and women give their lives to serve their country.
As the bible states, you will see and hear wars and rumor of wars before the end is near. We have had wars for centuries and it's still in existence today. I believe " One day we will, we must have peace on this earth".
Have a wonderful day with the one you love on Memorial Day.
Come to the one that comforts you. Our Heavenly Father, Precious Jesus, Comforter of the Holy Spirit. You shall receive favor from God. Praise God!!!!!
Be happy in this day that belongs to Almighty God; He has given us another day to enjoy the earth he created. God Bless You
God of Grace and God of Glory written by Harry Emerson Fosdick.
Harry Emerson Fosdick May 24, 1878 - October 5, 1969 RIP One of the widest gaps in human experience is the gap between what we say we want to be and our willingness to discipline ourselves to get there. Mr. Fosdick was born in Buffalo, New York. He graduated from Colgate Unversity in 1900 and Union Theological Seminary in 1904. He was ordained as Baptist minister in 1903 in Madison Avenue Baptist Church on 31st street. Minister Fosdick sermons won him a widespread of recognition, as did his radio addresses which were nationally broadcast. He authored numerous books, and many of his sermon collections are still in print. He also authored the hymn "God of Grace and God of Glory". Fosdick book " A Guide to Understanding a Bible" traces the belief of the people who wrote the Bible from the ancient belief of the Hebrews, which he regarded practically pagan to the faith and hope of the New Testament writers.
Real Christians do not carry their religion, their religion carries them. It is not weight, it is wings.
If you like to learn more about Minister Harry Emerson Fosdick and his books of sermons go to www.Wikepidia.com