Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in ...
Thank you for joining me at A Fresh and NewBeginning. The editor of this site will do the best to reach out to you with fun, interesting, and valuable information. It would be helpful to me if you would leave your suggestions or post on the blog, your opinion. IT IS AN HONOR TO SERVE YOU AND MY COMMUNITY.
May you receive the blessing of Allah during Ramadan. I love all my men of any culture because you are the image of God. Be good to yourself and others around you, men of the world. We do need you to protect, and take care of us. I apologize to any man that I have hurt with my posting and want you to know you are important if not to others, you are to me. Love You
Do you remember him? I do.. I always wanted to be in his neighborhood, because my neighborhood sucked as a child. He gave me the hope I needed to be in a better neighborhood. Also, Jesus stated to love your neighbor as you love yourself. As a child being in the children church it gave me hope that I will be in Mister Rogers neighborhood. Never got there however, I did move into a better neighborhood by getting married and my husband joining the military. I got to travel and saw all kinds of neighborhood like on the Mister Rogers show.
Thank you Mister Rogers for showing me your neighborhood.
You are my friend and I dedicate this to those who like my posting. I post because it helps me to understand the world we live in today. You don't have to waste your time with my posting but you do. Thank you for being my friend!!!!
We all need each other no matter where you was born. You can be from anywhere in the world, if I need you I will ask for you to help. You are that special person that I need, will you be there for me?
What are you to your man? No matter what he is about, he is your man. You have to stand behind him no matter what it takes. Fannie Brice did what she could to keep her man, but it was not what he wanted. She move on with all her love that she had for her him. I too will move on with my love but you will be in my heart forever more.
Yes I am a funny girl and I know I am not right for the guy, but honey, I will keep you laughing so life can be Sunny for you everyday. Love you my Bamboo!!!!
It's that time and you must get ready for whatever the day may bring. The Sun will rise as it usually do. That Sun never fails to shine. Get up put on your best and greet the day with a Sunshine smile on your face.