Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in ...
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This history is important for all people of the World to never forget. This voter rights act goes far and beyond and was implemented for all cultural rights in America today.
Dr. Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta Scott King dedicated their time for a great beginning to change all people of color and other cultures lives to live together as equals. He gave the speech with the words like "my eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord". As a little girl shedding tears looking at his funeral service on television, I asked myself why would someone kill this man? I did not understand as a child all that happen and the scarifice he made to make a change for our way of living today.
Papa King, we are not at peace with one another yet, but I hope and pray one day all racism is eliminated from America and all over the world. We must bring ultimate peace for the coming of the Lord.
I will always love you as a Father and I hope we all continue to give peace and love to man, woman, and children.
How do you convince your mind that fear does not exist when this world is built on fear. Fear is all around us. It's in the Holy Scripture, it's in the Qu'ran and the Torah. People have done so many evil things to each other, that you even have fear of leaving your own house.
How do we change the mind about fear so we can enjoy life? According to the movie "After Earth" I observed that the son had to convince his mind that fear was not there in order to fight the monster. I was told by a doctor once that our brain is a mysterious organ. Our brain helps us with the functions and movements of our body. It records and keep our memories and at the same time you can lose your memories. But fear is a taught subject, just as hate is taught.
The best I can say about fear, you take each day as a new experience, with the mind frame that you can live each day growing in faith of yourself that you are strong to fight your fears.
"Grow with love in your heart, to remove the fear in your mind". LAMH
Every man on this earth is here to serve a purpose in life. Some are chosen by God to stand for what is right for the people. Malcolm X was chosen by God person to give the black race hope to live a life together but separate. I am proud to post this documentary on my blog to show my honor to the Muslim Arabic Islamic nations which is the Abraham family that was blessed by God with many nations.
I began my morning with my Islamic prayer and after begin listening to Roland Martin about the bill that has been signed by Georgia Governor B. Kemp. I would like to say black Americans must be educated and informed with accurate information on what is happening within our Federal, State, City, and county levels so they can intellectually attack issues that could affect their lives.
I admit I am not a person who is politically educated, but I will go to the extent of researching political issues to understand what I need to know that will affect my life and my grandchildren's future. I like to say Mr. Roland no one wants to be called stupid, and if a white person used the negro word or call them stupid, you would go completely off. Even though I like the issues you bring to the unfiltered video, I am pleading with you to not talk down to your brothers and sisters that are not educated as you are. I feel Dr. M. L King would never do that to his fellow brothers and sister that is not educated, he would educate and give them enlightenment of what they can do to improve themselves.
Thank you for giving your opinion and interviews of others so black Americans can fight a good fight to advocate what they believe in. I believe what we fight for today will help our future generation of children to come. This earth belongs to God and all people that are here must work in unity to make it a place for us all.
Last but not least, I am a woman of God who believes that our fight is to make this earth what it once was, heaven on earth so that God will return back to this earth. As long as we are fighting one another and have so much division amongst the people on this earth, we all will never be ready for God.
Be Bless All and be good to yourself and those around you.