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Thank you for joining me at A Fresh and New Beginning. The editor of this site will do the best to reach out to you with fun, interesting, and valuable information. It would be helpful to me if you would leave your suggestions or post on the blog, your opinion. IT IS AN HONOR TO SERVE YOU AND MY COMMUNITY.

Editor: Linda Ann Horne Mitchell Hudson

Friday, July 24, 2015

Have a great and blessing weekend.
Mothers of the World

Today, I want to write about the importance of women in this world in this current age of time. This week I had a conversation with a woman who was pregnant. I asked her what she was having and she replied she was having a boy. My respond was " that is wonderful".  Is your husband happy to be having a boy" I stated, with a smile on her face she said, not my husband, but my wife is proud of me, It's not going to be our baby, I am a surrogate mother, she replied. That was courageous to me because she open up to tell me she is married to a woman.

I was proud of her that she was having a baby for someone else that wants a baby they could not have. However, I was embarrassed because I stated husband. But how would I know. When having a conversation with people in our time we must be careful how we say things because we are not in that person shoes of who they are, or their sexual preference.

But my feature today is not judging any person of their life-style. My videos today is about how women that are heroic contributors of this world. We bring life to this world and we nourish our seed until they are able to function in this world on their own. We even love them regardless to their faulty ways. We are the women who can bring love, peace and harmony to the children so they will give back to the world love, peace and harmony. We pray for our children all the time, even if they die before we do so they can get in heaven. We are the mothers of the world to all children. If you are not a maternal mother you are still a contributor in some way. Be proud my mothers, not on just mother day, be proud every day. " You are woman, hear them roar."

elizabeth the golden age (battle speech).

 Fight the good Fight

As women, we fight the good battle to receive love, peace, harmony in this world that we live in today. We are nourishing mothers of this world to our children and together we can make this world peaceful for us all.

Ave Ave Ave Maria (Immaculate Mary) :Best Catholic Marian Hymn (collash ...

                                       Mary mother of Jesus
Mary Immaculate, our mother of Jesus bore the man who would redeem us. If that is not great to you then tell me what would be a great woman to you?

"I, too can command the wind, sir!" (Cate Blanchett)

Who are you talking to sir
Try me, I will show you the winds.

Elizabeth (8/11) Movie CLIP - I Am No Man's Elizabeth (1998) HD

Our Queen Elizabeth

" I will have no mysterious here and no master", she said. I love this movie and I admire the Queen Elizabeth life story. This too was greatness!!!

Love the movie and if you have not seen it buy it, rent it. It has some great scenes.

great women of the bible

Women of the Bible

Your place is not under a man foot, but by his side. You are needed in every way and everywhere. You are woman hear them roar. Be bless and know God made you for a reason. Stand strong, give love, give passion and know your purpose, Motherly love.

Top 10 DC Superheroines

More Superhero women that we may or may not think about on a daily basis. And that is because we focus more on men superhero's. We are all hero's when we contribute to our community in a positive way. You go Girls!!!!!


Happy Birthday Lynda Carter 

A heroic woman who I admire fighting for justice and peace.

10 Women You Won't Believe Exist

Here are some unbelievable women The different styles and fashion does not stop them for being who they really are, "themselves."

On This Day: July 24 - Bella Abzug, Zelda Fitzgerald, Jennifer Lopez