Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in ...
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We all want to be noticed by people and receive approval from people to think we are somebody. You want to improve yourself, learn from your mistakes, move on and do better.
After listening to this speech I asked myself the question, are we really free today in this year of 2021? This speech applies to some of the issues we deal with today. America now has a pot of different cultures that we all are fighting for some causes of having equals rights for all. The question I ask again, why are we fighting these same issues that were fought in Congress over 57 years ago?
In every culture the children is pondering why are we fighting one another when I have friends or family members that is of different race such as (interacial marriages). You would think we as Americans would not have to fight each other and come to a solution that equality and respect should not be an issue anymore.
As a person who I feel have good morale and respect for all mankind, that we stop fighting and look into how we can make one another better as brothers and sisters and convey the love that Dr. Martin Luther King speaks about in this speech.
You are strong, you are invincible, you are a woman.
If you ever feel useless, you are not! We women by nature birth the children of this world. We work, we naturally give our life to nourish this earth and stand by the men in this world where God placed us here along with man. We all here to serve God's purpose and we must not forget what we have achieved and what we can accomplish we are alive.
As God's creatures searches for a resting place, know that God can elevate you with the breath of the wind to get you where you need to be.
Our world is filled with many nations, culture and ideology that we must know that God is ultimately wanting the best for mankind. If this was not so, we all wouldn't be here as God childrens to take care of earth.
On this day, if you in despair and feel you don't mean anything to anyone, I say you do, because God put you and me here for a purpose.
Just as Jesus was on earth and serve his purpose, Jesus is amongst us in spirit, as all those who serve God that came before us.
Let's continue to love each other to serve God's purpose in this life that we were bless with.