Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in ...
Thank you for joining me at A Fresh and NewBeginning. The editor of this site will do the best to reach out to you with fun, interesting, and valuable information. It would be helpful to me if you would leave your suggestions or post on the blog, your opinion. IT IS AN HONOR TO SERVE YOU AND MY COMMUNITY.
This weekend laughter is the best thing for life problems. It soothes the soul.
We all have that mind of imagination. We use it all the time when we dream, and when we think of an idea. It may be hard sometimes to bring that imagination to visibility, but we must find the way to bring out of our minds. Imagination is used in a positive and negative in the minds of people. However we use that imagination it does affect someone's life when it is brought to form.
I try to use the best part of my imagination when I create my features for the blog. Something you can pass on to other, or something that will make you laugh. My imagination is so strong that sometimes it's hard to put in words. But I will keep posting the imagination of my world rather it's in this blog or on paper.
My knowledge is small, but my imagination is strong.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Snipes. No can't tell you that you are not creative and imaginable. From drag queen to vampire fighter. The roles you choose is unique. Have a wonderful weekend being unique.
Mr Harvey, you have made this show famous. Just as Bob Barker made Price is Right famous. I know you are being yourself Mr. Harvey, but just watch the language our kids love watching you.