Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in ...
Thank you for joining me at A Fresh and NewBeginning. The editor of this site will do the best to reach out to you with fun, interesting, and valuable information. It would be helpful to me if you would leave your suggestions or post on the blog, your opinion. IT IS AN HONOR TO SERVE YOU AND MY COMMUNITY.
I have been given to much pain by you, please take this pain away. If you want to stay then come from behind that wall. Be the man and stand tall. Come my friend from behind that wall.
It's getting that time of the day to close out with quiet time. I will be leaving to cook those homemade biscuits, come join me for a biscuits and butter. Love you!!!!
On July 5th 12:00 midnight you can take me to "Burger King" Where are you Pakinstani man. Just leave take me and leave there alone with a whopper and some onion rings. It is big enough to go in my mouth. Hurry up asshole!!!!!
Why did you leave me here alone; Why did you make me cry, I can't find my way without you in my life. I know it will take me forever to get over you, so I just keep on with this life because you will be in the corner of my eye. My love for you will be forever. Linda
I love this black dress. If you are unable to see The Little Black Dress Boutique just go to www.youravon.com/lindahudson and put in the search button the title. You will love it!!!!!
Bug Guard is going to be important this year. The pricing for the bug guard is below:
Aerosol Spray SPF 28 $- 7.99
PUMP SPRAY SPF 30- $6.99
Make your order today for that special polish and lipstick for $12.99 at www.youravon.com/lindahudson. If you have any problems with my web page please call customer service at 1 513 551-2866
I Hello Charlie, You miss the darn football again.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
ANY TWO FOR $25.00 www.youravon.com/lindahudson
I want my viewers to know that I am now an Avon Representative and in need of a car. I am knocking on doors so that I can get myself back in the world of sales. I was once a Avon Representative and did make some good money, however I had to stop due to personal reasons. I was walking then and did good. But now we have computer technology to help with our sales. I am asking all my viewers go to the above website and purchase your favorite perfume, clothes, shoes, and other good items that you may like.
I will show different items that is on sale for my viewers. So check out my blog from time to time for sales on items you may like.
I want to express to my viewers that I have been through so much in my life with relationships that I had to post this song. I have been singing it all morning. If you listening to the lyrics you will notice that it says that I don't need to sail no more in that ocean. Do you remember the old saying someone says "their is a lot of fishes in that big blue ocean. Just go fishing and you can reel in the right one. I have decided at this point in my life I will not go sailing any longer. Life can be hard when don't have that person you want to love in your life. I've decided to stop looking for that fish and go sailing no more. I will not have that kiss once more or look for it anymore. Farewell my pakistani man who I once love. LAHM
My Prince I know you will die for us. You did not have too, Jesus had all ready did that. I love talking to spirits, so come and visit me sometime in my sleep.
Just want to say to all my viewers that I still will be away for sometime due to personal reason. However, know you will enjoy other bloggers that is located right here on blogspots . I pray you are having a great year which it is almost summer and kids will be out of school getting on our nerve. Enjoy the rest of the week and be bless.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Zika Spring Travel Advisory
Zika virus continues to spread to popular spring travel destinations. Cruise lines and airlines are working with travelers who want to change their plans. Zika has spread through the Caribbean , including Mexico ,Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands , the Dominican Republic and Jamaica , among others. The CDC has issued Travel Notices and confirmed active Zika virus transmission in the following foreign countries and territories:
Zika Virus in the Caribbean Currently includes: Aruba; Barbados; Bonaire; Curacao; Dominican Republic; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Jamaica; Martinique; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory; Saint Martin; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Sint Maarten; Trinidad and Tobago; U.S. Virgin Islands
Zika Virus in Central America Currently includes: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
Zika Virus in Mexico
Zika Virus in the Pacific Islands Currently includes: American Samoa, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Tonga
Note from editor: I have not research, just received from email and I would suggest you go to the CDC (Center of Disease Control) to find out more information.
Linda Hudson
Isabella Beeton
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Isabella Beeton, née Mayson, photographed in about 1854
Isabella Mary Beeton (néeMayson; 12 March 1836 – 6 February 1865), also known as Mrs Beeton, was an English journalist, editor and writer. Her name is particularly associated with her first book, the 1861 work Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management. She was born in London and, after schooling inIslington, north London, and Heidelberg, Germany, she married Samuel Orchart Beeton, an ambitious publisher and magazine editor.
In 1857, less than a year after the wedding, Isabella began writing for one of her husband's publications, The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine. She translated French fiction and wrote the cookery column, though all the recipes were plagiarized from other works or sent in by the magazine's readers. In 1859 the Beetons launched a series of 48-page monthly supplements to The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine; the 24 installments were published in one volume as Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management in October 1861, which sold 60,000 copies in the first year. Isabella was working on an abridged version of her book, which was to be titled The Dictionary of Every-Day Cookery, when she died of puerperal fever in February 1865 at the age of 28. She gave birth to four children, two of whom died in infancy, and had several miscarriages. Two of her biographers, Nancy Spain and Kathryn Hughes, posit the theory that Samuel had unknowingly contracted syphilis in a premarital liaison with a prostitute, and had unwittingly passed the disease on to his wife.
The Book of Household Management has been edited, revised and enlarged several times since Isabella's death and is still in print as at 2016. Food writers have stated that the subsequent editions of the work were far removed from and inferior to the original version. Several cookery writers, including Elizabeth David and Clarissa Dickson Wright, have criticized Isabella's work, particularly her use of other people's recipes. Others, such as the food writer Bee Wilson, consider the censure overstated, and that Beeton and her work should be thought extraordinary and admirable. Her name has become associated with knowledge and authority on Victorian cooking and home management, and the Oxford English Dictionary states that by 1891 the term Mrs Beeton had become used as a generic name for a domestic authority. She is also considered a strong influence in the building or shaping of a middle-class identity of the Victorian era.
Note from editor: If you like to find out more about this writer go to Wikipedia.org.
Susan Hayward (June 30, 1917 – March 14, 1975) was an American actress.[1]
After working as a fashion model in New York, Hayward traveled to Hollywood in 1937. She secured a film contract and played several small supporting roles over the next few years.
After Hayward's second marriage and subsequent move to Georgia, her film appearances became infrequent, although she continued acting in film and television until 1972. She died in 1975 of brain cancer.
In his inauguration speech he stated "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country'. I was 2 years of age when he became President, and I still today believe in that statement that he made at his inauguration. I quoted "Ask not what your government can do for you, but what you can do for your government". I say that statement today, because we are now voting for a new President and I say to that next President who is the succession of President Barack Obama, must follow his accomplishments, and it will be a challenge for you.
Our economy is doing better and we will have a health plan that can be use by those who can't afford to pay their doctor's bills.
We all need to work together no matter who the President may be, because we can make it work for us all rich or poor taking care of one another. We can accomplish more by working together than relying on the government to help us. However, you are doing something for your government everyday, you pay your TAXES (which is coming up soon 4/15).
To the rich you have been bless and fortunate to have money to receive the best in this world. But I am pleading with you to help as many people as you can, because I am still seeing a lot of homeless people in the United States that should not be homeless. Just ask yourself while you are lying up in your warm bed and someone is cold and hungry,and you have the money to help.Be a good philanthropist like Mr. Howard Hughes. President John F Kennedy made a wonderful gesture by giving his paycheck to one of the department in the government by only taking a dime from that paycheck. It is important for the next President to improve our government for the future of the children. We must keep this world running smoothly with all the commodities and other material that we trade among one another.
To the Kennedy Family I really cried when they kill President John F. Kennedy because I don't like death. I know he is truly missed by the family.
I pray that you had a safe and bless Saturday. My prayers to day is this: Al-ASWR Bismillaa hirraHmaa nirraHimm (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
By (Token of time (through the Ages)
Verily Man is in loss
Excepts such as have faith, and do righteous deed, and (join together)in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy
2 Peter 2:8
(For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds)
Convey good deeds to one another even if someone conveys to you their evilness.
March 13, 2016
Doing Evil to Someone you Love
Joseph was very much hated by his brothers that they perform evil to their brother. In the Qu'ran-Alf lam ra is written of Joseph and what the brothers had done. They reported back to their Father what they had done and he replied "Your souls have tempted to do something evil"! It is best to be patient; God alone can help me bear the loss you speak of" .
The Holy Bible written in Genesis 37:29 When Reuben came back to the cistern he found Joseph had gone. He tore his clothes. and going to his brothers he said, "The boy is not there, Whatever shall I do?"
My purpose in writing about Joseph story that it is in both books with some similarity. I want to give you my version of this story and that is doing evil to someone. We human are weak in the flesh and sometime we do things to people we should not be doing. Mostly we do evil to one another because of what we (Want).. We always want something from someone or we are jealous of what God has bless that person with. One of the commandment is not to covet they neighbor. That even means someone in your family also. Why would you want to do evil to another person because God blesses us all with our own special mold. I was not mold as you were mold. God blesses you with a special mold rich or poor. We all are here to get along with one another and not hurt or harm someone for what we want.
Before you perform any type of evil on another person, please read about Joseph and what happen to him and make your own decision if you really want to hurt, harm and kill someone for what you want.
I found this video on Youtube.com and I was thinking to myself how nice it is to spend the night with someone with a special glass of wine or drink that you like to your taste and get to know the person you love. You may not have a fire place so you can put this on your computer or laptop and sit with the person you don't quite know and get to know them. Spill the truth to that special person so they can get to know who you really are.
We go through life not knowing that person and have a relationship with a person and don't really know that person. You don't know their deepest secrets and their fears. Getting to know a person will better equip you with if you want to continue a relationship or let them go. Sex does not have to be involve, you can get to share with that person who you really are.
The bible speaks about being equally yoke with a person Jeremiah 27:2 Thus saith the Lord to me; Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them up thy neck. The bible also states, It is good to bear the yoke from your youth Lamentations 3:27. If you can't release your secrets to the one you love Jesus says in Matthew 11:30, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light".
When open up to a person on this earth you really want to trust that person with your deepest secrets because life can be easy with someone you can trust. You can't trust everyone with your life in their hands. But you can trust God and his Son with your life. You can give yourself over to the one that loves you (God) who put you here to enjoy this earth.
The romantic fire does not have to be your fire from Hell, it can be your fire of life in your heart. It can be the fire of God (burning bush). If you are a loner and don't want to be with anyone you can trust God. Or it can be the fire of love to be with the one you love. Jesus says the " I come not to change the law (the law of Moses) but to give you the greatist commandment of all "Love". (not sex)
Enjoy you weekend with a fire of love in your heart and yoke your youth to the one you love.
We have so many pictures of Jesus out there and what concerns me is we have some of his pictures with blue eyes. I understand that you want him to be white, but he was from the land of Isarel and had brown eyes. Let's make that known they do not have blue eyes in the land of Asian country. Our Father loves us all no matter what color of your eyes.. Be Bless
MRO contains a host of scientific instruments such as cameras, spectrometers, and radar, which are used to analyze the landforms, stratigraphy, minerals, and ice of Mars. It paves the way for future spacecraft by monitoring Mars' daily weather and surface conditions, studying potential landing sites, and hosting a new telecommunications system. MRO's telecommunications system will transfer more data back to Earth than all previous interplanetary missions combined, and MRO will serve as a highly capable relay satellite for future missions.[2]