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Thank you for joining me at A Fresh and New Beginning. The editor of this site will do the best to reach out to you with fun, interesting, and valuable information. It would be helpful to me if you would leave your suggestions or post on the blog, your opinion. IT IS AN HONOR TO SERVE YOU AND MY COMMUNITY.

Editor: Linda Ann Horne Mitchell Hudson

Monday, July 5, 2021

Ann-Margret hot dance with Elvis Presley in Viva Las Vegas (4K)

Ann Margret Great Dancer!

If I dance like this I would'nt be so fat. Love you Ms.

 Margaret, you dancing with my man!!!!

LAH aka Cadea

Bye Bye Birdie Intro Song and Outro Song Together!!!

Bye Ex-President Trump you were good at making money on the stock market and you stated that " they knew what they were getting" I am the Snake.

It's okay you Republican, I wrote you a letter and told you I was homeless and you did not even send me a brown penny, I just got a letter saying I and Melanie are sorry of your misfortune. So I did not vote for you or Biden cause I don't like a penis in the Whitehouse anymore. You and all men have lost your penis mind.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Life & Legacy of Ibrahim (as) | Webinar

Honoring Ibrahim aka Abraham during Ramadan 2021

This scholar is giving a wonderful message about the nation of Abraham which he is spoken about in the Holy Scripture and praised and honored more by the Muslim religion. Alihumdiallah

Monday, April 26, 2021

Life in Color

During this pandemic era and many days of hearing bad news, I stayed away from local news and media news because I needed positive emotions to enter my mind. I wanted to generate positive output.  This weekend, I watch "Life in living Color" streaming from Netflix. I captured this beautiful peacock showing off its feathers to attract a mate. Mr. David Attinborough narrates the feature film explaining how different insects, birds, animals see in ultra-violent color to attract or ward off predators. I enjoyed the film and saw exquisite colors that give you elated feelings to visit the country to see it in person of all the beautiful colors.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Our Solar System

Our Solar System Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object
known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in the Solar System and
the largest and most massive of the four rocky planets. About 29% of
Earth's surface is land, with the remaining 71% covered with water and
much of Earth's polar regions covered in ice. Earth's interior is active
with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that generates Earth's
magnetic field, and a convective mantle that drives plate tectonics.
Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago. Within the first billion years
of Earth's history, life appeared in the oceans and began to affect
Earth's atmosphere and surface. Since then, the combination of Earth's
distance from the Sun, physical properties and geological history have
allowed life to evolve and thrive. Almost 8 billion humans live on
Earth and depend on its biosphere and natural resources for their
survival, but increasingly impact Earth's surface, atmosphere and other
life. (This article is part of a featured topic: Solar System.).

Read more: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Featured_topics/Solar_System>

This information was provided by Wikipedia.org 
What is interesting as I read about our Solar system is that we have over 8 billion people on this earth and with so many people on the earth we will eventually use up our resources for survival.

This is earth day with concerns of trouble with atmosphere and weather climate changing on the earth. I have not done a complete research on this subject, but I would like to know how serious is the climate?  
I hope our earth will be okay where all nations put on their thinking cap with healing our earth.
Happy Earth day!!!!

Accessing your "Frontal Cortex" to enhance your life

It is an artful and compelling manifesto on how to improve our mood, mind, and memory." ... "Brain Wash is an important book that tackles a colossal modern ...

Making better use of my time upon the internet shutdown I decided to listen to my audible book "Brain Wash". What I realized in the fourth chapter, that I have been accessing my frontal cortex to bring out more cortisone in my body. It also speaks about cognitive empathy which people sometimes uses on social media to be accepted, but there is another side of that empathy which is, narcissistic mindful people
This book will help you tap into your brain to bring you a better way of dealing with depression, other health issues that we deal with on a daily basis.

If you wondering if I my internet is still down, yes it is, but I found another way to post my daily functions, "my mobile phone". This book is a must hear to understand our relationships with technology and our mental health.

Posted 4-22-2021 12:26

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

KEEP PUSHING HARDER (Best Self Discipline Motivational Speech 2021)

What you give in life will give back to you.

We all want to be noticed by people and receive approval from people to think we are somebody. You want to improve yourself, learn from your mistakes, move on and do better.

Check out this video post and get started.

Posted 4/6/2021 at 2:09 a.m.

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Nobel Peace Prize Lecture from Oslo, 11 Dec. 1...

Mankind vs Humanity

After listening to this speech I asked myself the question, are we really free today in this year of 2021? This speech applies to some of the issues we deal with today. America now has a pot of different cultures that we all are fighting for some causes of having equals rights for all.  The question I ask again, why are we fighting these same issues that were fought in Congress over 57 years ago? 

In every culture the children is pondering why are we fighting one another when I have friends or family members that is of different race such as (interacial marriages). You would think we as Americans would not have to fight each other and come to a solution that equality and respect should not be an issue anymore.

As a person who I feel have good morale and respect for all mankind, that we stop fighting and look into how we can make one another better as brothers and sisters and convey the love that Dr. Martin Luther King speaks about in this speech.

Posted 4/6/2021 8:48 a.m.


Sunday, April 4, 2021

10 Badass Warrior Women in History | History Countdown

You are strong, you are invincible, you are a woman.

If you ever feel useless, you are not! We women by nature birth the children of this world. We work, we naturally give our life to nourish this earth and stand by the men in this world where God placed us here along with man.  We all here to serve God's purpose and we must not forget what we have achieved and what we can accomplish we are alive.

posted 4/4/2021 11:17 a.m.

Fly on the wind of God.

As God's creatures searches for a resting place, know that God can elevate you with the breath of the wind to get you where you need to be.

Our world is filled with many nations, culture and ideology that we must know that God is ultimately wanting the best for mankind. If this was not so, we all wouldn't be here as God childrens to take care of earth. 

On this day, if you in despair and feel you don't mean anything to anyone, I say you do, because God put you and me here for a purpose. 

Just as Jesus was on earth and serve his purpose, Jesus is amongst us in spirit, as all those who serve God that came before us.

Let's continue to love each other to serve God's purpose in this life that we were bless with.

Gmalady50 aka Aminat/LAMH
Posted 4/4/2021 7:05 a.m.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

RUMI | مولانا The King of Love

Music to relax your mind

Sometimes you want to escape the usual music that you enjoy to find something different. I really enjoyed this music.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

50 years ago, President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act

A day in history that will live eternally.

This history is important for all people of the World to never forget. This voter rights act goes far and beyond and was implemented for all cultural rights in America today.

Posted 4/1/2021 at 9:39 a.m.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Oh Freedom! - The Golden Gospel Singers (Lyrics in Description)

Freedom of Racism

Dr. Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta Scott King dedicated their time for a great beginning to change all people of color and other cultures lives to live together as equals.  He gave the speech with the words like "my eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord". As a little girl shedding tears looking at his funeral service on television, I asked myself why would someone kill this man? I did not understand as a child all that happen and the scarifice he made to make a change for our way of living today. 

Papa King, we are not at peace with one another yet, but I hope and pray one day all racism is eliminated from America and all over the world. We must bring ultimate peace for the coming of the Lord.

I will always love you as a Father and I hope we all continue to give peace and love to man, woman, and children. 

Posted 3/31/2021 at 7:59 p.m.

Spring is here

Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.
 Jim Carrey

Even in the deepest of the ocean and too the highest in the sky, spring will come to show off that it's never been shy. -LAMH- 
Have a nice Spring day to come.

Posted 3/31/2021 4:16 a.m.

After Earth: Fear Speech (Fear Is Not Real)

Fear in the mind

How do you convince your mind that fear does not exist when this world is built on fear. Fear is all around us.  It's in the Holy Scripture, it's in the Qu'ran and the Torah. People have done so many evil things to each other, that you even have fear of leaving your own house. 

How do we change the mind about fear so we can enjoy life?  According to the movie "After Earth" I observed that the son had to convince his mind that fear was not there in order to fight the monster. I was told by a doctor once that our brain is a mysterious organ. Our brain helps us with the functions and movements of our body. It records and keep our memories and at the same time you can lose your memories. But fear is a taught subject, just as hate is taught. 

The best I can say about fear, you take each day as a new experience, with the mind frame that you can live each day growing in faith of yourself that you are strong to fight your fears.

 "Grow with love in your heart, to remove the fear in your mind". LAMH

Posted  3/31/2021 3:02  a.m.

Monday, March 29, 2021

MALIK - Malcolm X Documentary (2021)

Dedication to Malcolm X

Every man on this earth is here to serve a purpose in life. Some are chosen by God to stand for what is right for the people.  Malcolm X was chosen by God person to give the black race hope to live a life together but separate. I am proud to post this documentary on my blog to show my honor to the Muslim Arabic Islamic nations which is the Abraham family that was blessed by God with many nations.

posted 3/29/2021 11:11 a.m.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

POLITICAL SYSTEMS 101: Basic Forms of Government Explained

Educate Time!

If you prefer a book you can purchase a paperback from Amazon.com or try audible. Never be ashame to educate yourself no matter your age.

posted 3/28/2021 11:30 a.m.

GA passes heinous voter suppression bills; Biden blasts GOP; Big tech gr...

Politics 101

I began my morning with my Islamic prayer and after begin listening to Roland Martin about the bill that has been signed by Georgia Governor B. Kemp. I would like to say black Americans must be educated and informed with accurate information on what is happening within our Federal, State, City, and county levels so they can intellectually attack issues that could affect their lives. 

I admit I am not a person who is politically educated, but I will go to the extent of researching political issues to understand what I need to know that will affect my life and my grandchildren's future. I like to say Mr. Roland no one wants to be called stupid, and if a white person used the negro word or call them stupid, you would go completely off. Even though I like the issues you bring to the unfiltered video, I am pleading with you to not talk down to your brothers and sisters that are not educated as you are. I feel Dr. M. L King would never do that to his fellow brothers and sister that is not educated, he would educate and give them enlightenment of what they can do to improve themselves.

Thank you for giving your opinion and interviews of others so black Americans can fight a good fight to advocate what they believe in. I believe what we fight for today will help our future generation of children to come. This earth belongs to God and all people that are here must work in unity to make it a place for us all.

Last but not least, I am a woman of God who believes that our fight is to make this earth what it once was, heaven on earth so that God will return back to this earth. As long as we are fighting one another and have so much division amongst the people on this earth, we all will never be ready for God.

Be Bless All and be good to yourself and those around you.

posted 3/28/2021 11:20 a.m.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Brook Benton - Rainy Night in Georgia

Raining Night in Georgia

Right now hearing the rain coming down hard-hitting the ground replenishing the earth.  


The Ravine

This movie was created from a book that is available on Amazon.com. It will be coming out around Easter, however, I don't have all the details where it will be premiered on screen. 

I posted this because I am dealing with the grief of a close relative committing suicide. I needed to post this for myself because I must embrace my grief with grace, as someone commented on the Linkedin social media site when the producers were being interviewed. 

Can't wait to see the movie!

posted 3/26/2021 at 12:29 p.m.

Bruce Almighty - That's the way the cookie crumbles

Big Cookie Day

I am up early blogging and making homemade cookies. Today it's homemade chocolate chip cookies and previously it was my favorite, homemade peanut butter cookies. 

So today don't let the cookie crumble on you, because life is not about the crumbs, but it is about the whole vision of what you want your life to be. 

And God is how my cookie crumbles!

Have a great Thursday!

posted 3/25/2021 6:39 a.m.

Eliminating Homelessness

Being that our country has been struggling with eliminating the virus, the government has been focusing more on the virus and the economy that we have forgotten that America has been dealing with homelessness since the last pandemic infected America back in 1918, and continue to grow.

I have done some research on this issue because I too had to deal with being homeless. I want to stress it was no one's fault, however when you have to deal with a health issue, poor financial planning due to lack of education, and relying on family members, I found myself having to fight like hell to end my homelessness. I had to re-educate myself by learning about my health condition, making preparations for setting goals and achieving these goals. It took me three to four years to improve myself and keeping a roof over my head. Granted the economy did not help my situation any better, just as it is not helping all those who are homeless now and those who will become homeless due to this pandemic.

With that being said, I am an advocate for the homeless and will personally help as much as I can for those that I met. For those who have never had the experience of being homeless and should ever feel the need to help, I am pleading with you to assist a homeless person as much as you can. You will never know what you do can tremendously change a person's direction and improve themselves. If you do not understand how a person ever became homeless in America today, I am recommending a book called "Pretreatment Guide for Homeless & Housing First" a guide to helping couples, youth, and the elderly by Jay S. Levy. This book gives you scenarios of different people's cases and how they became homeless by providing assistance to get a person off the streets. 

You can purchase this book with an Amazon Audible account, so you can listen too during your spare time. Building your own library of other favorite books is a great way of not having to find space for another book or magazines. I will be recommending other audibles that I find interesting with short comments on my blog. 

Thank you for reading my post and I hope you come back to visit "Fresh and New Beginning".

posted 3/25/2021 at 5:08 am

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Best Robot Vacuum 2021 [TOP 5 Picks in 2021] ✅✅✅


I am a visionary person and I am always cleaning the floors and that is due to having a pet. It would be very nice if they could design a vacuum to do all that it does now and clean pet urine and bile. It's just one of those things you wish that can be done by a robot, but of course, you just have to take care of your pets just as you would take care of a person. Can't have a robot for everything I guess. One day we will have a robot to do everything such as in the movie "Surrogates". 

Posted 9:53am

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Mockingbird & Rockin Bird

Recently I decided to stay out of News Broadcast, some social media politics, which I begin to listen to nature videos to soothe my mind. We have so much that has happened in our world, that I just begin my day praying to God to send angels for protection and other prayers on repentance throughout the day. 
Birds are my favorite species to hear and watch them calling for a mate. You always hear them early in the morning when you awaken. As I said, I have been listening to birds chirping from a video that you can hear from Youtube. As I write this blog, I am still listening to the birds and got the Flintstone version to listen to the "Rockin Bird" which was the message that came to me. If you don't want to listen to all that is going on in this world today and any other day listening to the birds sing all day long.

Posted 3/23/2021 at 3:33 pm

Audible Review 2021 (New Plans and Features)

Amazon Audible

I have been a member of Amazon Audible since May 2020 and found it to be easy. I am a person who likes books with pages to turn. With audible, you can order books you wish to hear at any time for a small minimum monthly fee where you can build your own library right on your phone. 

This video gives you all the details about Amazon Audible services. So don't hesitate to join Amazon Audible to listen to your favorite book.

Posted 5:18 am

Saturday, February 20, 2021

I Wish - R Kelly (Lyrics) 🎵

Oh, how I wish!!!!

R Kelly - The Storm Is Over ( Lyrics )

The Storm is over!!!

We have gone through so much in 2020 and we begin 2021 with a not-so-nice beginning. We have a long way to go for us to get us back unified again. But I know with us all putting our resources together that we have, we can make a change in the United States of America.


I'm Your Angel R Kelly and Celine Dion With Lyrics

You are my Angel now!
I love you my sweet angel!!! Love you

One Sweet Day Official Lyrics- Boys II Men & Mariah Carey

You now in Heaven

When I told you I love you I really mean it. Now you are gone I can't say those words to you again. I pray that my love will ascend to you in heaven.

This is for my daughter Lakeisha D. Reid and others who have died during this pandemic.

Love Me.

Monday, February 1, 2021

"Surrogates" - Official Trailer [HQ]

Virtual Surrogates!!!

 As of today, some working-class peoples have gone virtual to keep income flowing in order to pay their bills.  We had to save society from this virus (Covid19) by shutting down our society and became virtual overnight. 

This movie came to my mind that premiered in 2009 "Surrogates".  We have not gotten this far in technology however, I have viewed other articles and videos conveying our neighbors over in Asia has developed robots that do many things, but they are programmed for a specific task and not as these robots in the movie.

This is a great movie to imagine what we may become like a surrogate in the future.

Purchase or rent from Youtube to build your library.


"School DaZE" BY Spike Lee

Let's go to school!

I love this movie that conveys some difficulties that black Americans deal with attending school. I was in the high school band, I thought I knew what I was doing, and always forget my notes. But it was fun being on that field with my peers. 

I did not go to college until much later in life because "I was a bad girl" that's because I didn't listen to my grandmother when she explained to me "the female way of getting involved with the opposite sex". This is not about me, but it is about growing up in the world we live in today and how we can improve ourselves and be great mentors for the future generation.

Thank you, Mr. Spike Lee, for all the great films you produced and directed for us to see black actors on screen. I will be posting in the future some of your movie clips of previous and current work. In other words, I am hoping for another "school daze musical".

Purchase or rent the movie from Youtube or downstream from your channel station 


5 Life Lessons People Often Learn Too Late

Improving yourself.

Another month and time to get out of that bed and achieve some goals that you can't possibly do. It's okay to fail, just start the journey. 


I Wrote a Screenplay in 5 Days

My Screenplay.

I do have an idea to write a screenplay base on my bipolar lifestyle that I know no one can put on paper but myself. I have always been a person who loves writing and posting to my blog. To my viewers, I will be posting on the blog however, I am eager to give you more of my life on screen. : ) It's not going to be easy because I have other personal issues that will be put ahead of this passion of mines. 


Fight Song - Rachel Platten (Lyrics)

Keep fighting!!!!

During this time of fighting something that is invisible to our sight, we must find the strength to keep fighting. Just as those people in 1918 fought through their period of diseases, famine, and anything that goes with living this life of trials and tribulation, we too will get through our own struggles of 2021 and more years to come. As I read somewhere on another social media site, "If you got through January and get through February, you can March right into the rest of the months to come".

Keep fighting for better times, until you take that last breath.


Andra Day - Rise Up (Lyrics)

Keep rising!

It's February my viewers and we must rise up no matter the hurt or the pain that has been endured. As I rise, I think how far I have come with all that has happened in my life the past ten years. I don't know my future other than for sure I will die. When my eyes sleep forever,  I will go down knowing in my heart I gave the best of me which is my love, kindness, praise, and respect for other human beings. 

If you are reading this past my time and in the future know that "I love you".

February 1, 2021

Saturday, January 30, 2021

The First Wives Club (6/9) Movie CLIP - Sweet Revenge (1996) HD

Where are your wives?

It would be nice to see a second edition of the "First Wives Club" flourishing in the business they created but starting having issues with divorce husbands or new husbands or even gay relationship issues. Also having some grandchildren and dealing with virtual learning situations. 

We need some Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler, and Diane Keaton comedy to help us all through these sad times we are dealing with. 


Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader (Himself) on Dagobah

The enemy!

Yes, I am a Star Wars fan and enjoy the series of Star Wars. This scene I have chosen is Luke Skywalker fighting Darth Vader finding out later it is himself whom he is fighting. We all struggles with our own identities on a daily basis. We put on your professional mask to be amongst people who you know that they may not like you. You put on a mask for your family and friends to make yourself seem completely sane, knowing you have a problem adjusting to change. It can be very frustrating which is the word my granddaughter uses when she doesn't want to do online virtual learning.  We all during this pandemic era, have experienced a loss of income, job losses, and people dying on a daily basis.  

What is most frustrating is fighting yourself to find peace and tranquility during this devasting time. I have found with myself being insane in some things I do, that I make sure I stay kind to others and share what I can share such as informational material to get through the struggles. I read books or listen to audibles. I was recently listening to " A First-Rate Madness "  written by Nassir Ghaemi which he writes about how the insane is "calm" during crises and the "sane" completely lose sight of what to do during crises. I recommend the book or audible if you need to do some mental re-adjustment. Other things that I enjoy doing is I post in my blog and make Youtube comedy videos of myself. I have been doing the Youtube self video before this lockdown or virtual ever begin.

In the end, you must stop fighting yourself and know making changes within your own surrounding can help you and other around you. In other words, pass on love not hate. Another line I like from the movie "First Wives Club" is "grow from love".


Relax African Music | Jabali Spirit

Relaxing to the African Style

I might not understand the language, but it helps me to imagine the people of Africa and what they do to soothe their feelings and escape into the world of their heritage.


People Are Their Principles (The Way We Were, S. Pollack, 1973)

What are your principles?

I love this movie when Hubal takes up for his wife to convey his principles during this scene. He loves her but did not have the same ideology of how people should govern themselves. It's sad that they parted at the end of the movie. This too is happening to many people in America today during this pandemic time. 

"People are their principles" and we all fight for what we believe in when it comes to how we should live with one another. That is what our democracy is made of, which is what is right and how we should abide by the Constitution.

The Insurrection many people got hurt and some have died the question is, what would be the right solution to convict those responsible? They too were fighting for their own principles but did it very badly. I can't defend what they did, but I do understand. We all try very hard to live in this world by doing what we can to take care of our families and children. In this free democracy, every person wants the best for their families which they worked to give the families the best, which is their principles. However, do we have to hurt one another to increase our wealth? The bible states to love your neighbors as you love yourself. 

In conclusion, if this movie was a remake with black actors and using the insurrection as the principal scene, how would you respond to that movie? This is a good movie to reflect and turn the mirror rather black or white.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Send In The Clowns (From ‘A Little Night Music’)

Your clown is here!

This is the year for me 2021. We have so many entertainers in this world that I considered myself a blog entertainer. Yes, I have had some weird posting on my blog. When I begin posting on Bloggers there seem to be less doing what I was doing. Now there are many due to the pandemic. Some have gone ahead of me and making money. I have stayed behind moving like a turtle in my posting which is due to a lack of understanding of how it works and other personal reasons.

I  love Mr. Frank Sinatra and other music that I have not posted. But I tend to post videos and pictures base on my feeling at the time. Maybe that's why I am not making any money!!! : (

Thank you for being here and have a nice night dreaming of many happy days.


V for Vendetta (2005) - V on TV Scene (2/8) | Movieclips

The Insurrection

You need to look no further, you only need to look in the mirror to see who is at fault for the insurrection. We the people Republican, Democrat, Liberal are the blame for the insurrection. The former POTUS was doing his job through social media which many people use on a daily basis. He had many followers that gave him access like any average person that access social media to speak with friends and family members. Please tell me how else did he get his followers to come to the capitol? I am certain with his schedule he did not visit all the states in America.

Even though social media has become more than just a friendly site to socialize, it has become a dangerous place for some to give even what they do on a daily basis. Sometimes I think to myself if we did not have social media what would we do during this pandemic? I will admit there are pros and cons to social media communication however, we need good and truthful internet service so that people of America can trust what we are reading and presenting to all on social media. 

I hope for the future of your children and my children we become to know each other better in a civilized fashionable and peaceful way. 

Thank you for reading my blog and thanks to all social media administrative for helping us to improve ourselves and not hurt one another.


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Dr. Na'im Akbar - An Aware Profile | AWARE! | WSRE

The need to know me.

I am enhancing myself to find myself. This interview gives you an understanding of who Dr. Akbar is and his teaching. He is a great thinker and educator giving his ideology of how we can improve ourselves and the communities we live in today. 

Good interview. Seeking to find material during this time of 2021 to give hope to our next generation.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Art of Letting Go - The Philosophy of the Buddha

Letting Go!

I found this video to give some inspiration with all that has happened in America for year 2021. If you are seeking some relief to let go of all that has happen in your life and need to self-improve your thoughts this video may help.

In my journey to find enlightenment to help my existence, I seek material that will keep me from losing my confidence in mankind.

Hope this video will enlighten your day!


Thursday Jazz - Positive Morning Bossa Nova & Jazz Music for Wake up, Wo...

Good Morning Thursday

To all those that need something different join me on my blog to enjoy the life of growing older day by day and loving yourself.

Have a great day!


How to Start Your Self Growth Journey In 3 Steps | Personal Development ...

Rebuilding Yourself

This is a new year with many changes that have occurred with our America. The speech from our new president was to build unity. I asked myself how do you start building unity with a different type of culture in our nation. 
I decided to start with myself first and hopefully, it will help others my viewers who may be looking for a change within themselves.

I hope you enjoy the speaker I have chosen for personal development.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inaugural poet Amanda Gorman delivers a poem at Joe Biden's inauguration

Amanda Gorman

Ms. Gorman, I want to express my thanks and gratitude for your heart felt poem. Being a fan of Maya Angelo I really appreciate your choice of words in your poem and I know you have made her proud. 

May God bless you. Your spirit of unity from your speech will guide us into a better future.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Lyrics)

Wonderful, Peaceful World

I am hoping this world becomes what some say it will be "Heaven on Earth" for every race, women, man, or child. 

Have a wonderful New Year!


UNFORGETTABLE - Natalie Cole/Nat K. Cole (Lyrics on)

Unforgettable Presidents

I am a person who has a passion for music and I like posting my comments of thoughts that come to mind base on the song. This song is dedicated to President Donald Trump. Each person votes for their candidate that they believe would do the job and speak for their reasons and concerns. Rather you are a democrat or republican we must believe that all elective officials will do that job that is required of them and follow the Constitutional Laws.

We are now close to having a new president and vice president. All that has happened many people have made bad comments about President Donald Trump. Yes, I feel he has made some mistakes in his ideology and how he governs our democracy. However, what he did do was open our eyes and woke us up that we need to recheck ourselves how our democracy may need to change and move forward to a better ideology. As a person who did not understand politics or how Congress works, President Trump made me pay attention to educate myself more on political matters. 

Racism has always been an issue in this world. As time progress we learn to change from our old system of living under a King and Queen, to establish a better democratic system from slavery with many people having to fight for changes to improve our democracy. We continue to improve ourselves and peacefully fight for what we all know is right to live a decent lifestyle for all mankind.

President Trump, you truly have made the last four years "Unforgettable" for me. Thank you for waking me up.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Thousand Years lyrics - Christina Perri

I want you to imagine 
I have loved you for a thousand years and more

This song makes me think about God telling me he has loved me for a thousand years and more. I want to say that after all that has happened to start with the beginning of this year issues with the government and last year dealing with the pandemic, I still love people no matter your race, creed, color, culture, or ideology. God gave us all the same body parts which are our beating hearts to love one another and not hate.

I hope those who are reading this post, that if I never met you, or kiss you, or hold your hands to get you through all your pain, just know that "I love you".


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Aren't You Glad You're You? - Nat King Cole

Good morning,

Just want to post a song to let you know aren't you glad you're you?

Nat King Cole

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Mission / How Great Thou Art - The Piano Guys (Wonder of The World 2...

Oh how great thou art

My God, My God, how great thou art. My love is greater than anything on this earth for you. My love is for you and you only. This is your world and we need your daily protection and favor. We are your servants and I pray you to forgive us for how we have taken care of your planet. Show us a better way to live with one another so that may obtain peace on earth as it is in heaven. Ameen

Natalie Cole - I'm a woman ♀ (LIVE 2002)

I am woman
Beginning the year 2021 was not as good as I would have preferred. However, I am a woman that likes to clean up other people's mess, sometimes. It's a motherly feeling you get when you know they have done wrong. This song represents how I feel today and I hope it cheers up those women who is feeling down and useless. You are important to all those around you. 

Have a great day