Hello bloggers;
This will be my first short blog to let you know that when you are trying to recover from illness, divorce,death.or anything that has cause you pain, you can receive a healing. At this present, while I sit at this computer, I am in physical pain. I will not allow this pain to hinder me from my passion of giving inspiration to others. I am in need everyday to receive love and acceptance from others outside of my family. It's not always you receive the acceptance of others and most don't want you to acheive because you maybe better than them. I feel we all have a gift or a special way of doing things. I try to remain simple with what I do. We sometime complicate situations by making it out to be harder than it really seem. It's not hard if you pay attention and stay focus with what you need. My mind is improving everyday, and healing from the past.
The past is the past, and their is nothing I can do to change the past. The present is a gift, that's why they call it the present, because it is a gift. I can remember before I got sick, I was with bloggers once before. I was not there to make money as some do and that's great. I was there to let the world know I exist. I like the internet surfing and enjoy meeting new people. I know the internet is cold and impersonal, other than being face to face with another person. I am comfortable giving my thoughts to this computer!! I leave it up to the readers to check me out. It's your choice. You are the captain of your mind, spirit , and soul.
You will get to know me more as I give you more of me. I hope with what I blog will help you too.
Heal yourself, the pain will not last always.It too shall pass!!!!!
I will also be blogging about movies, news, media, studies, inspirational. Almost what is going in my mind and my community.
How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress
How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress is a post from ShoutMeLoud
- Shouters Who Inspires
5 months ago
1 comment:
i think this blog is very intersting and i hope every one can enjoy this blog like i do so i will post this on facebook.com
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