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Editor: Linda Ann Horne Mitchell Hudson

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

After Earth (2013) - Fear is a Choice Scene (6/10) | Movieclips

Fear is a product of our imagination!!!

In life when you face fear in our lives which sometimes is due to life circumstances and decisions we have made to try to make our lives better. In this speech, he stated fear is a product of our imagination and we conjured up fear, that fear is a choice. We face danger in our world every day, but we have to use all the strength and courage along with prayer to fight to survive.

No matter what your cultural background maybe we all are dealing with issues that affect mankind's way of life. I know we have a system that is used by placing fear in the hearts of many. Fear has been used for centuries to subdue a particular cultural group to a point they will do what you want them to do. We can't let fear take over any of us anymore. The only thing we should fear on this earth is the wrath of God no matter your ethnic or religious background.

Streaming on HBO, rent or purchase on Youtube


Posted 6/16/2020 9:06am

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