Your Father
This is for those who have lost their earthly Father and know that he is in heaven as an angel. The heavenly Father will always be with you as long as you receive him his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
We had Jesus on this earth once, and I was told he will return. I love Jesus and I really shed tears when I see movies that tells his story. Don't get me wrong I want Jesus to return to us, However, why should he return when we are breaking the commandments everyday. We have not learn anything since he been gone from us. I am not trying to change you or tell you to do anything you don't want to do. You have your birth given rights to do whatever you want to do. Just remember God created this earth and it was all perfect before he place people on the earth. He has the power to put it back that way.
Be Bless
February 20, 2016 10:36pm
How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress
How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress is a post from ShoutMeLoud
- Shouters Who Inspires
5 months ago
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