The Lamb
Jesus is the Lamb of God and he gave his life so we can get closer to God. When he left the earth and return to his disciples he told them not to touch him because he had not ascended to the Father. "I leave you the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. Some people don't realize but the Holy Spirit is an angel. That angel is with us everyday if you are under the pavilion of God's kingdom. The Holy Spirit comes to get you when you die, to lead you to the Father so you receive your judgement. If you are waiting on the rapture, rapture is the day you die. You are born in this world through you mother's womb being protected by God's angels.
You are appointed an angel to report your life and what you do while you are here on this earth. Of course it is your choice to live the way you want to live. God give you that choice to live for the good or you can spread evil on this earth, "It is your choice. You shall be judge according to your actions. You and you alone is responsible for what you do on this earth. You are here for a reason and if you are serving your fellow man with loving one another as you love yourself then you are on the right path. Be bless and may you receive the grace and mercy of God.
alHamdu lillaahi rabbil'aglamiin
arraHmaa nirraHiim
maaliki yaumiddiin
iyyaaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nas-taiin
ihdinasw-swiraatwal mustaqiim
swirra-twal ladziina an'amta'alaihim ghairil mahg-dhuubi alaihim waladh-dhaal-liin
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious The Most Merciful
Most Gracious Most Merciful
Master of the Day of Judgement
Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds
You do we worship, and your aid we seek
Show us the straight way
The way of those on whom you has bestowed your Grace those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
" Be good to yourself and those around you" If you don't choose to be kind to our fellow man, how is it you think he should be kind to you.
LAMH -Amenat
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How To Check and Protect From DDoS Attacks in WordPress is a post from ShoutMeLoud
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